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The School is promoted by the Topical Group on Statistical and Non Linear Physics (Grupo Especializado en Física Estadística y No Lineal, GEFENOL) of the Real Sociedad Española de Física.

GEFENOL's main objective is to promote statistical and non-linear physics and any scientific and academic exchange among research groups working in these disciplines.

School's Scientific Committee

  • Rosa M. Benito, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
  • Pere Colet, IFISC (CSIC-UIB)
  • Álvaro Corral, CRM, Barcelona
  • Jesús Gómez-Gardenes, BIFI, Universidad de Zaragoza
  • Juan Manuel López, IFCA (CSIC-U. Cantabria)
  • Diego Maza,  Universidad de Navarra
  • M. Carmen Miguel, Universitat de Barcelona

Local Organizing Committee

  • Irene Sendiña Nadal (Chair), URJC, Madrid
  • Inmaculada Leyva (Co-chair), URJC, Madrid
  • Michael Stich, URJC, Madrid
  • Juan Manuel Parrondo, UCM, Madrid  
  • Saul Ares, CNB-CSIC, Madrid
  • Marina Fernández Ruz, CAB (CSIC-INTA), Madrid
  • Carla Alejandre Villalobos, CAB (CSIC-INTA), Madrid